Getting started

Allen Brain Institute hosts a rich database of gene expression images. Additionally, it provides metadata for each of them. We can leverage this metadata to extract initial registration.

Before delving into the programming interface let us first describe some fundamental concepts of the database.


Each SectionDataSet contains multiple SectionImage. Note that they are often separated by gaps of equal size. See below a typical coronal section dataset.

Typical dataset

The current reference space 9 has dimensions (coronal=13200, 8000, 11400) in microns. Note that we are mostly interested in the 25 micron atlas with dimensions (528, 320, 456).

Allen Brain provides metadata that enable us to register each experiment. Note that this registration is not always perfect and that is the main motivation behind this project.

Allen pipeline

The Allen registration conists of 2 steps

  1. Each SectionImage has its 2D affine matrix

  2. Each SectionDataSet has its 3D affine matrix

Programming interface

atldld provides a very simple interface for using the Allen API module.

Single image download

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from atldld.utils import get_image

image_id = 101321610
img = get_image(image_id)
print(img.shape)  # (2656, 2856, 3)

Full-blown synchronization

The most useful function is the download_parallel_dataset. It expects the user to specify the unique dataset_id. It returns a generator. Each iteration then yields

  1. Image id (unique identifier)

  2. Coronal section (a number in [0, 13200])

  3. Original image (high resolution before registration)

  4. Displacement field (its shape depends on the downsample_ref downsampling factor)

from atldld.sync import DatasetDownloader

dataset_id = 909
downloader = DatasetDownloader(dataset_id, downsample_ref=25)
data_gen =

image_id, p, img, img_expression, df = next(iter(data_gen))
img_reg = df.warp(img)

To register the image one simply warps the original image with the displacement field. Let us list a few important facts about the logic of download_dataset.

  • Coronal section is approximate and is implied by a single point p_detection_xy

  • The downsampling factor downsample_ref determines the final shape of the displacement field. By default it is 25.

  • The synchronization process is implemented locally to avoid extremely slow per pixel API calls

